Several of the respiratory pathogens cause GI symptoms. This has the potential to confuse the patients. Knowing that the RSV infection can cause such symptoms can, however, be useful. Immunosuppressed and old patients are at increased risk of a more severe, worse RSV-induced illness and have a higher risk of dying (morbidity/mortality). In these patients, making a correct and timely diagnosis and appropriate care is critical. So, just keep in mind that RSV can even lead to diarrhea.
If the course of diarrhea is mild and ephemeral, there is trifling with worry. However, in some cases, it is a health hazard. However, in patients with RSV, this condition of greater stool frequency may last several days. It may cause dehydration. Diarrhoea also shows some other symptoms, such as abdominal pain and a lot of gas. The disorder may also occur simultaneously with nausea, vomiting, malaise, and chills. In cases of severe RSV diarrhea, symptoms are typical in immunocompromised individuals.