15 Most Common Symptoms of RSV

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Pharyngitis is an inflammation in the mucous membrane areas of the mouth and throat. This condition is most commonly caused by either a bacterial or viral infection. Direct invasion of the pharyngeal mucosa can occur and is caused by viruses and bacteria. Except for most cases, local invasion of the pharyngeal mucosa occurs and leads to massive secretion and swelling. RCV can also induce pharyngitis signs and symptoms. Patients (mainly children) may complain of sore throats.

This pain can be made worse when swallowing, meaning that children who have the RSV virus do not absorb liquids and food very well. Signs of a sore throat among infants are refusal to eat and a grimace when swallowing. A sore throat may also present in adults. Physical examination may reveal throat erythema. While RSV infection is self-resolving, good clinical management is, of course, essential. The doctors suggest gargles with some unique soothing liquids.

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