15 Most Common Symptoms of RSV

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Headache — another symptom of RSV infection This is not a typical symptom of this disease, but it is possible. This is a systemic symptom that bodes well across a range of situations. Headaches can also be caused by viral infections. The headache has a varying intensity of mild-to-severe found that is usually associated with the severity of the infection. Patients may then present with migraine-like symptoms when this happens, experiencing a throbbing or increased symptomatology with head and neck movements.

The headache can be extremely persistent, remains throughout the course of the disease, and majorly affects the patient’s quality of life. For that reason, as an alternative to providing solutions for alternative therapies, medical professionals, much of the time, prompt their patients to bridge the disorder with painkillers. The headache is exacerbated particularly severely in the presence of a high temperature. Antipyretics, which are also used for RSV, may also be helpful here, too. In the event that torment keeps going after the infection, it may be an indication of different issues related to health.

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