This type of warts are painless, hard lumps with an irregular surface, most commonly found on the skin of the hands, around the nails, or underneath the nails. They can also frequently appear on the face, scalp, and genital zone.
These lesions are often seen in children and adolescents. Initially, they may present as single lumps, which can spread locally or to other areas over time.
They are similar in color to the skin, and sometimes grayish, but in some cases, their color is darker, which makes them resemble cancerous changes. They last from several months to even several years.
2.Viral warts are papular lesions with a keratinized, uneven surface. They can occur singly or in large numbers, but often group and merge with each other. They are most often caused by the HPV2 virus. The primary lesion is a papule with a diameter of several to a dozen or so millimeters with a color similar to the skin color. The wart is located on unchanged skin, and its elevation is rough and well-demarcated. Most often, the lesions are located on the fingers, around the nail folds and under the nail plate. Warts occurring at the nail folds are the most painful form of infection. New lesions spread spontaneously around the primary wart, which is the largest.
Rules for preventing HPV infection:
Warts are a common medical issue and are a standard cause for visiting dermatologists’ offices. Groups particularly at risk of HPV infection are children, seniors, and patients with weakened immunity. There are no people immune to HPV. Scratching a wart, and irritating the surrounding skin can cause the lesion to spread. In individuals with weakened immunity, a gigantic spread of warts or condylomas may appear, which can look as if the lesions are developing on top of each other.
3.This type of warts resemble common warts that are caused by cutaneous types of HPV. These painless, flat, and sometimes discolored lumps most often appear on the backs of the hands and the face. They tend to develop in places that have been damaged, such as cuts or scratches.
Generally, they disappear on their own after some time. Before they go away, however, local inflammation can occur, resulting in redness and swelling around the warts.
The diagnosis of flat papilloma is usually made by a dermatologist. It is important to conduct a medical interview with the patient, regarding general complaints, existing diseases, and the presence of a risk factor responsible for allergies.
4.Plantar kind of warts is caused by cutaneous types of HPV that specifically affect the soles of the feet. Depending on the type of virus, non-painful, confluent lumps with a rough surface, located superficially (so-called mosaic warts), and single, painful, bruised, deep warts of the Myrmecia type may appear on the feet.
While mosaic warts are most often chronic and infection can occur repeatedly, in the case of Myrmecia warts, spontaneous resolution is often observed, leaving a lasting immunity to further infection.
There are several over-the-counter (OTC) treatments available for plantar warts. The first is salicylic acid in various forms. It works by exfoliating the infected skin. It may take several weeks of consistent use to see results. The second method is cryotherapy kits, which use a freezing agent to destroy the wart tissue.
5.Genital warts, also known as condylomata acuminata, are benign proliferative lesions that primarily occur in the genital area but can also appear on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity or around the anus. These warts are typically soft, pink growths with a warty surface, measuring 1 to 5 mm in diameter. As they grow larger, they often develop a brownish color. In the initial stages, condylomata acuminata appear as little reddish lumps that can merge over time into pedunculated, cauliflower-like lesions.
These warts are most commonly found on the penis—including the edge of the glans, the frenulum, and the inner surface of the foreskin—in men, but they can also be located around the urethral opening, on the scrotum, or in the groin. In women, condylomata acuminata typically occur on the labia majora and minora and in the vestibule of the vagina, with some lesions also appearing on the cervix.
Lesions in the perianal region are observed in both genders, although they are more frequent in men. In the oral cavity, lesions primarily appear on the tongue and lips. Genital warts are characterized by their cauliflower-like appearance and are usually asymptomatic; however, they can sometimes cause itching. In some cases, genital warts may also be associated with oozing and an unpleasant odor.
6.Itching or burning in the intimate area is one of the typical symptoms of HPV. In addition, it can appear in other intimate infections. The cause of vaginal and vulvar itching is most often an irritative reaction to personal hygiene products (liquids, soaps, creams, and even toilet paper or pads), laundry detergent/powder, or mechanical irritation.
This symptom also often occurs in dermatological diseases affecting the skin of the intimate area – including psoriasis and lichen sclerosus.
The symptoms may become more troublesome during perimenopause and after menopause, when hormonal changes – a drop in estrogen concentration – lead to atrophy (loss) of the vaginal mucosa and a decrease in discharge and, as a result, a greater tendency to irritation.
7.Dyspareunia is a sexual dysfunction characterized by pain during sexual intercourse. This condition can hinder sexual satisfaction and may even make penetration difficult.
The discomfort may be experienced at various depths, either deep within the vagina or near the vaginal opening.
Dyspareunia can occur due to several factors, including HPV infection, vaginal dryness, deep penetration, or other health issues.
8.The most common symptoms that women experience when they contract HPV are: bleeding before or after menstruation, spotting after intercourse, and unpleasant-smelling vaginal discharge. Do not ignore heavy vaginal discharge or pain in the lower abdomen during urination or sex.
Every time you experience unexpected intermenstrual bleeding, you should see a gynecologist, especially if the situation repeats and you do not know the cause. You should never postpone your visit until the bleeding stops and does not interfere with a gynecological examination. Remember that when starting hormonal contraceptives, intermenstrual bleeding may last for the first 3 months of use; if this time is prolonged, you should consult your doctor.
Heavy bleeding requires special attention and a quick visit to the doctor, especially if it is accompanied by severe pain, weakness, fever, nausea or vomiting.
9.Pelvic pain can also appear as a result of an HPV infection.
It is inside the pelvis where organs such as the urinary bladder and other elements of the urogenital system are. Dysfunctions in its area can generate severe pain and be a sign of severe conditions.
During the diagnostic process, interviews, tests, assessment of posture, way of moving, and pelvic position are used. Then, after correlation with the ailments reported by the patient, extended diagnostics are used. Laboratory tests and all available forms of imaging are used for this purpose, such as X-ray, ultrasound, CT, or MRI of the pelvis. The demand for a thorough diagnostic procedure is of course decided by a specialist.
10.Oral papillomas are benign tumors resulting from infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV).
Although most lesions are benign, it is worth paying attention to the oncogenic HPV 16 – often causing condylomas on the throat and increasing the risk of developing oral cancer.
In the oral cavity, human papilloma usually takes the form of a fleshy, raised lump with an uneven surface. It can appear on the tongue, inner cheeks, gums, palate, or lips. Squamous cell papilloma, one of the most common lesions caused by HPV in the oral cavity, appears in the ICD-10 classification as D10 – Benign neoplasm of the oral cavity and throat. The lesion usually occurs on the tongue or inner cheeks and may have a rough, uneven surface.
11.A papilloma in the throat, especially on the vocal cords, manifests as hoarseness or changes in the voice and difficulty swallowing (especially when large warts or condylomas appear on the throat).
Rare signs of HPV infection are a feeling of a foreign body in the throat and papillomas on the tonsils.
Laryngeal papillomas most commonly result in hoarseness, especially when the warts are on the vocal cords. When large papillomas are present, characteristic symptoms may include coughing and difficulty breathing.
12.Laryngeal papillomas are most commonly diagnosed in children, typically before the age of five. They require a thorough diagnosis because, due to the smaller size of the respiratory tract, they can lead to shortness of breath and breathing issues in toddlers.
Laryngeal papilloma is much less common in adults. In this age group, the virus is most often transmitted through sexual activity.
Laryngeal papillomatosis can present various symptoms, including breathing difficulties, coughing, and a sensation of a foreign body in the throat if the papillomas are large. In children, substantial papillomas may cause wheezing, especially during physical exertion or when crying. If the papilloma is located on the vocal cords, it causes hoarseness.
13.HPV infection can occur in many ways. Often, the condition develops in the genital area (in both women and men). It sometimes does not make itself known and is asymptomatic until it spontaneously disappears.
Sometimes the latent phase lasts for years, and – in the case of oncogenic viruses – only neoplastic changes cause the first symptoms. The HPV virus in the vagina can be confused with a bacterial or fungal infection, so symptoms such as itching, burning, or pain in intimate areas should not be ignored.
Infection with the human papillomavirus may be asymptomatic, causing no visible changes in the form of warts in the carrier, the so-called genital warts in the intimate areas. However, this does not mean asymptomatic infected person does not transmit the virus to others. In most people, the body will fight the virus itself, but before it does – during this time the carrier may unknowingly infect their partners. The risk of HPV infection can be reduced by limiting the number of sexual partners and using protection in the form of a condom. However, it must be remembered that although a condom is a mechanical barrier against microorganisms, it does not protect us 100% against virus transmission but only reduces the risk of infection.
14.Penile cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in the penis. Many cases are classified as squamous cell carcinoma.
One of the most consequential risk factors for this disease is poor personal hygiene. Circumcision performed in childhood facilitates better penile hygiene; consequently, in countries where circumcision is practiced for religious or cultural reasons, penile cancer is rare.
Other significant risk factors include having multiple sexual partners.
15.The risk of developing cancer is increased by infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is responsible not only for cervical cancer but also for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, which involves changes in the cellular structure of the cervix. Further, elements that contribute to the development of gynecological cancer include:
The symptoms that should arouse our increased vigilance include:
In addition to the symptoms listed above, it is also worth paying attention to: