15 Early Symptoms of Sarcoidosis

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Sarcoidosis can also have dermatological presentation. In patients, lesions may appear in the form of papules and plaques in the skin. The area may also have some inflammation. More commonly, in patients, the skin problem is erythema nodosum. Affected persons have large and painful papules and redness at their skin sites. Skin lesions can form on the legs, arms, or trunk.

Papules resolve spontaneously and are not scarring. However, a symptom like that should not be overlooked, as it could be due to a serious illness. Sarcoidosis can also give rise to benign skin lesions. Typically, these take the form of small papules in the face, particularly the eyelids and nasolabial folds. Others may see scaly plaques on other areas of the body. They were also present in a range of colors, including flesh-colored, yellow, brown, red, etc.

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