12 Symptoms of Atelectasis

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Blue Skin and Blue Lips

Cyanosis or bluish discoloration is a noticeable symptom of the atelectasis disease and an alarm. This disease can happen when the body doesn’t move enough of the oxygen in the blood. That may masquerade as a darkening of the fingertips, lips, and earlobes due to the lack of oxygen. It actually has a purplish color. In a common scenario, the body’s inability to carry enough oxygen is signaled by cyanosis as a red alarm.

The primary cause of the symptom is the gas exchange defect in atelectasis disease. However, it is always related to the lung’s inability to exchange gases. The oxygen is not transferred by some alveoli when the lung collapses. That means the body loses a piece of oxygen. As a result, the body has to make up for it by using backup oxygen supplies. That may still be insufficient. Consequently, the skin darkens and becomes cold.

Cyanosis is a medical emergency condition that requires prompt medical help, or else it can lead to serious consequences. The condition of less oxygen in the blood is such a condition that it is limited. The body is then affected most severely.

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