12 Common Symptoms of Hypoglycemia

Pale skin

11 of 12Pallor

Pallor, or pale skin, is a non-specific symptom that does not always indicate disease. For some, it is just their skin. Although the skin may turn pale suddenly, this can be due to the skin disease process, accompanied by various other symptoms. Usually, pale skin is a sign of anemia. Another cause of unnatural pallor is hypoglycemia. The pallor at low sugar levels is usually linked to sweating. These symptoms are consequential to skin vasoconstriction and cholinergic stimulation of the sweat glands. Therefore, it stands to reason that pallor results from blood not flowing freely to the skin.

It can be subtler than people realize and can be challenging to spot. However, if someone tells you that you look pale and weak somehow, that can be an important signal for you, particularly if you are experiencing other hypoglycaemic signs. Sudden pallor can occur before fainting, caused by insufficient blood sugar levels. This is worth keeping in mind to help prevent it from happening.

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