12 Common Symptoms of C. Diff

Abdominal Bloating2 of 12

Abdominal Bloating

In some cases, abdominal distention is caused by the bacteria C.Diff. Overall, bloating is considered a common symptom, even among healthy people. Poor diet can lead to flatulence and gas. Too much air gets trapped in the intestines, which leads to flatulence. Gasses found in the intestines are normal. These most commonly originate from air ingested while eating or talking or from bacterial fermentation of food in the intestines. Normal gas production is completely okay, but gas, when it remains in excess quantity, leads to bloating.

You then experienced fullness and pressure in the stomach. You also might observe that the belly protrudes further. Due to it, abdominal pain can happen due to excess air trapped in the bowel. Frequent abdominal bloating should be taken seriously. They can be the initial manifestation of digestive tract inflammatory disorders. This covers the infections that result from C. Diff. Diarrhea may begin with flatulence before getting worse. Meds can also cause belly bloating.

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