12 Common Symptoms of C. Diff

Updated on January 29, 2025
Blood In Stools 1 of 12

Blood in Stools

Now, everybody knows that C. Diff infection results in diarrhea. During the illness’s progression, the stools’ consistency is unduly soft, i.e., semi-liquid, liquid, or watery. Diarrhea also means, very often, going to the toilet to pass the stools, even four times every day, quite a few times. With C. Diff, such obstructive symptoms can hang on for days—if not longer—depending on the case. In addition, frequent evacuations of the bowels are linked to other symptoms of a disturbed digestive system. These include blood in the stool.

Not all cases, but if there is blood,  it is worse. Patients can see some abnormalities in their stools. Looking closely at the feces, they may spot mucus or blood. There is additionally a special dreadful odor from the stools, an awful lot greater extreme than typical. Symptoms like these are cause for alarm. Patients who see blood in their stool should call their physician.

Be aware that Clostridium difficile is an enteric, pathologic bacteria that causes inflammation and damage to the large intestine. So, never underplay that kind of sign. Particularly when it is associated with body weakness and possible dehydration, diarrhea lasts for hours, days to weeks, and can have harmful and dangerous effects on health. Blood in the stool is one of the symptoms that occurs due to the effects of the toxins produced by bacteria. It causes injury and irritation to the intestinal epithelium due to its toxins.

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