12 Common Symptoms of Blackheads

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Oily Skin

Oily skin is associated with excessive sebum production by the sweat glands. It can cause skin diseases such as dandruff or inflammation. Excessive sebum secretion can also be associated with an unsightly appearance, causing the complexion to shine or causing the hair to quickly become oily.

Oily skin is the result of excessive sebum production by the sweat ducts located in the skin. There can be several causes of this disorder and they affect whether it is a permanent problem or only appears periodically. The main causes of oily skin are considered to be:

  • Genetic conditions – oily skin can be gotten from previous generations. People with an inherited tendency have enlarged sweat glands, and oily skin accompanies them throughout their lives.
  • Using inappropriate cosmetics – the cause of sebum secretion disorders may also be improper skin care and the use of products that tend to clog pores, irritate the skin, and dry it out, which in turn activates the skin to secrete sebum.
  • Hormonal disorders – the problem with oily skin may be the result of a disruption of the proper hormonal balance in the body. It mainly concerns sex hormones. Then excessive sebum production may occur during puberty, pregnancy, or menopause. Skin condition is also affected by other hormones, diseases such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism can also affect the condition of the complexion. Hormonal treatment and the use of contraception also have a major impact on the skin.

Adhering to a suitable diet can lead to positive results. Regular cleaning is crucial for oily skin (especially with blackheads), along with the consistent removal of dead skin cells.

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