12 Common Symptoms of Blackheads

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Skin Redness

Inflammation is a structured process in vascularized tissue in response to a pro-inflammatory (damaging) factor. This factor can be either external or internal. While inflammation is not desirable – after all, it indicates that something is attacking our body- this inflammatory response is a protective mechanism of our immune system.

Inflammation can be accompanied by several very characteristic symptoms:

  • Redness – this is what is visible as red spots accompanying acne and inflammatory changes associated with it
  • Pain
  • High temperature
  • Swelling
  • Tissue function disorders

To reduce redness caused by blackheads, it is significant to use anti-inflammatory compounds while being gentle on the skin. The first step is to ensure that any redness is properly healed; this means focusing on skin regeneration. Using exfoliating products is not advisable at this stage. Instead, it is beneficial to moisturize the irritated skin. You can use a good moisturizing serum, hydrocolloid gel, tea tree oil, or a homemade cucumber tonic. Attempting to smooth out redness immediately after removing blackheads can worsen the situation. Prioritize skin regeneration first, and only then should you focus on treating any remaining discoloration.

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