12 Common Symptoms of Blackheads

Enlarged Pores3 of 12

Enlarged Pores

Enlarged pores are a dermatological issue that occurs due to excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. Pores in the skin are the openings of hair follicles, which contain sebum. They are physiologically necessary for the proper functioning of the epidermis, and they play a thermoregulatory and drainage role. Enlarged pores are not normal condition. It is caused by a combination of many factors, including excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, dust, dirt, cosmetic residues on the skin, and lack of proper hygiene.

Facial pores enlarge due to sweat, dust, and makeup residues accumulating. Their excessive accumulation also causes the formation of blakcheads. Imperfections usually appear in places where the greatest activity of the sebaceous glands is observed, i.e., on the forehead, nose, chin, and upper cheeks. Specialist recommend to also supplement proper skin care with a healthy and balanced diet.

One key principle in addressing cosmetic defects is to avoid substances that can clog the sebaceous glands. These include all oils, such as coconut oil, fatty acids, and algae extracts, which are comedogenic substances (those that promote the formation of comedones).

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