12 Common Symptoms of Atherosclerosis

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Heart Palpitations

Atherosclerosis can lead to the sensation of a fast and disordered pulse. In medicine, such symptoms are referred to as arrhythmias. There are many forms of arrhythmia. They are associated with heart disease. The heart can stop functioning properly due to the narrowing of the arteries supplying blood. As a result, severe heart diseases and disorders, such as ischemic heart disease, can occur due to atherosclerosis.

Myocardial ischemia happens when one of the arteries has a lot of stenosis. In severe cases, this obstructed artery also causes a heart attack. This makes it important to notice arrhythmias beforehand and to have the ability to prevent the complications. The arrhythmias can be easily detected on ECG or even a simple examination with a stethoscope.

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