12 Common Signs of Edema

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Weight Gain

The problem of unexplainable weight gain might be the first sign of edema, followed by over-salted food. To achieve an increase in mass, the cells would have to retain more water than they used to during the previous period. In such cases, the more rapid weight gain can happen in as little as one to a few days or hours, unlike fat accumulation, which is a slow process. A person’s weight gain, though, when no change to diet or exercise has occurred, is as weight increases daily at the same or similar rate and time.

How fluid is shifted, and the speed of weight gain or loss that can be seen in patients is not only driven by the basic transfer processes between cells and the vasculature but includes more of them, like the competition of various electrolytes, kidney performance, and the cardiovascular system.

Various illnesses, such as kidney failure, cirrhosis, and small heart traumas, can cause severe imbalances in sodium and water. They can lead to increased fluid content in the body. Medications, especially drugs for hypertension or corticosteroids, may also contribute to fluid retention. Hence, patients need to look out for rapid weight fluctuations or increases when starting a new treatment.

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