10 Symptoms of Whooping Cough

Dyspnea3 of 10


Dyspnea is breathing difficulty or not having enough air. This sensation is typically associated with increased effort by the respiratory muscles. Stimulation of receptors in the upper and lower respiratory tracts, as well as in the respiratory muscles, can contribute to dyspnea. It can also arise from the simultaneous stimulation of multiple areas. Dyspnea is always linked to excessive or anomalous activation of the respiratory centers in the brainstem. The central respiratory centers are stimulated by stimuli conducted by many structures and neural pathways. The cerebral centers are also stimulated by stimuli from chemoreceptors located in the brain, carotid and aortic bodies, and other parts of the circulatory system, stimuli from higher cortical central centers, and most likely from afferent fibers of the phrenic nerves.

The method relies on the cause of the shortness of breath. For example, if you feel a strong feeling of shortness of breath in a crowded room, go outside and get some fresh air. If the shortness of breath is caused by severe hysteria and stress, first of all, calm down and turn your thoughts away from unnecessary emotions and breathe slowly.

Oxygen is considered a universal treatment for dyspnea and should be administered promptly alongside fresh air. Furthermore, positioning the patient to facilitate breathing can provide relief (it is best to avoid lying down). In cases of shortness of breath due to acute laryngitis, exposure to cold air can be beneficial. If symptoms do not improve, intramuscular or intravenous administration of adrenaline or glucocorticosteroids may be necessary. For those with chronic respiratory conditions, e.g., whooping cough, bronchodilators are typically prescribed.

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