A cough is the most typical sign of respiratory disease. It is a defensive, unconditioned reflex that aims to clear the respiratory tract of excess secretions and foreign bodies, mechanical factors (pollen, dust, cigarettes), or inflammatory factors (viral, bacterial infections), and can also be consciously induced. A short-term cough is usually not a cause for concern. However, a long-term cough can be an alarming symptom, so do not ignore this symptom and visit a doctor.
The mechanism of cough formation consists of forced inhalation and then exhalation with the initial closure of the glottis. As a rule, cough does not cause complications but severe continuous coughs can lead to fainting, rib issues, respiratory muscle injuries, or the failure of ophthalmological and neurosurgical procedures in some patients.
Since chronic cough is tiring, many patients wonder how to cure it. The truth is that it all depends on the cause of the cough because as we know, it is only a symptom and treatment will help with the symptoms, not eliminate the cause. The primary care physician directs the patient to the appropriate specialist. This person will take care of further treatment of the disease. However, remember that even if the cough has reduced, the cause of its occurrence has probably not disappeared. Therefore, every case of chronic cough should be talked with a doctor.