10 Common Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease

Old lady walking with cane

Mobility Problems

Another type of symptom seen in some patients with Alzheimer's is a movement symptom. Their balance may feel unstable, which modifies their gait. This results in slower movement in the patients with a short stride length and prolonged standing. The evidence for the diagnosis can also be gait analysis. Alzheimer's patients also tend to fall because they have lost their sense of balance, and you should remember that they can also hurt themselves like this. Loss of sensation and reflexes can be other important signs.

The disease process leads to sensory deficits; thus, all output is impaired, e.g., pain input and processing and response are impaired in patients. A gradual inability to do more complex tasks can also be observed in the patients. Some days, even driving is simply too difficult. Eventually, different kinds of tremors and Parkinsonism-like symptoms may also occur. Eventually, patients lose the ability to control almost all physical abilities, and some of the basics are lost, too. They will not be able to walk and be on their feet and lose their sphincter tone.

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