Another sign you must pay attention to is certain feelings in different body areas. Those afflicted with multiple myeloma experience loss of sensation in their arms and legs. So, usually, it is neurological symptoms. Many of the multiple myeloma patients we see experience peripheral neuropathy (PN). Neuropathy symptoms often are the most obvious symptom. Furthermore, most patients at the early stages of the disease develop symptoms of neuropathy through numbness of limbs, tingling, signs of autonomic nerve injury, and even minor motor disturbances.
Peripheral sensory deficits are the most frequent complication seen in many patients. Deficits are correlated with pathological factors. Plasma cells are responsible for neurological complications. Inevitably, the compression of bone lesions on nerve roots leads to neurological disorders. But for scientists, the causes of neuropathy remain somewhat nebulous.
Weakness of muscle strength, abnormal sensation, and action of the muscle of the skin are seen. Pain symptoms are often associated with symptoms of numbness and tingling. Such atypical symptoms can cause anxiety for those patients who have yet to receive an appropriate diagnosis.