10 Early Symptoms of Anemia

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Brittle Nails

The other frequent cause, of anemia which is the thinning and loss of the keratin layer, leads to the nail weakening and breaking, is onychoschizia. The core issue involved is the fact that nails are weak, and thus, they break and fall. However, sometimes, there are thin, vertical white cigarette paper lines on the nails, too. The atrophic nail may be separated from the nail bed or have bleeding, medically known as onycholysis. The main cause of these changes is the lack of myoglobin. It causes a deficiency in keratin, a protein natural to the nail. Insufficiency of myoglobin inhibits, resulting in weakness of the nail.

Nails are always produced as body tissue that takes a long time. Thus, nail destruction is usually a long-term and gradual process. Eventually, some of the population take it as a non-significant issue related to beauty. However, they don’t realize the possibility of the issue becoming a serious health problem. Random thinking about brittle nails as just a cosmetic problem will not work. It is not just about beauty. Symptoms like fatigue, dry skin, and shortness of breath will show up. Thus, the body is not getting the right nutrients for nails.

What would you do if the pain you felt was from a Nail problem? There are different foods; the easiest way to do this is to eat more Iron. A balanced diet is very important for nails. Fruits such as lean tuna, spinach, and beans, which are rich in Iron, are usually suggested.

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