10 Early Symptoms of Anemia

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Shortness of Breath

The first and most common issue that could be causing anemia is shortness of breath. It can be the only one. A consequence of a situation where organ function is lost due to an insufficient oxygen supply is hypoxia, which causes the lungs to store up oxygen. Sometimes, interrupting activities may be one of the things that causes people to become breathless, a condition that could be health-harming to them.

The breathing patterns of patients with anemia changed quite significantly after exercising. They demonstrated that they took a much shorter time to hold their breath, and the breath loss occurred sooner. In severe cases of this deficiency, breath loss could also be felt while at rest. Besides nutrient deficiencies such as iron or vitamin B12, cardiovascular anemia or anemia related to heart failure can also be a factor. On top of it, oxygen shortage might also be included.

The more severe manifestations of this case, like heartbeats being in an irregular rhythm and the chest being quite pumping, may occur. As they go through their lives, some people might experience lightheadedness or fainting. These lead to their eventual poor performance on their tasks. Given the information obtained, if you are exposed to more than one of the mentioned symptoms, check with a doctor who could diagnose not only anemia but other illnesses like heart and pulmonary diseases that might be the cause of one breath disorder.

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